EFS Class

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Nelson Mandela's turning points

Mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground.

-  Nelson Mandela retiring from office

Nelson Mandela's achievments

- Mandela was able to finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer.

-  Mandela opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa.

-  Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League.

-  He helped to keep other Men’s spirits high and never compromised his political principles when offered earlt release.

- Nelson Mandela was the first democratically elected State President of South Africa.

-  Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk.
The Fred Hollows

1929- Born in New Zealand

1976-1978/ His teams screened 100,000 people

1980- Fred had extended his campaign for treating avoidable eye disease

1989- He was diagnosed with cancer

1992-  Fred Hollows Foundation was established

1993- Fred Died

Tuesday 30 May 2017

William Cooper's Biography:

1861- born in Joti-jota tribal territory

1874- Atkinson/Cooper family setteled at Mologa Mission

1884- Cooper setteled at MalogaMarried and married to  Annie Clarendon Murri

1889- Annie Clarendon Murri died

1893- Second marriage at Nathalia Methodist parsonage to  Agnes Hamilton

1910- His wife Agnes Hamilton died

1920-1930/ he became a spokesman for the dispersed communities

1928-1929 / his son Lynch won Stawell Gift and World Sprint

1928- Third marrriage to Mrs Sarah Nelson

1933- he left Cumeroogunga to become eligible for the old-age pension

1935- led the first Aboriginal deputation to a Commonwealth minister

1937- Aborigines' Progressive Association, formed in Sydney

1937- He had collected 1814 signatures from Aborigines all over Australia

1938- led the first deputation to a prime minister

1940- He retired to Barmah

1940-  His main achievement was the establishment of a 'National Aborigines Day'

1941- He died at Mooroopnat

1959- His daughter Amy bacame matron of the first Aboriginal hostel

Tuesday 7 March 2017

In 1992, the immigration to Australia was higher, especially the European people, the number was increase up to 26870 and Southeast Asia to 22325. Generally, the total of the migrants to Australia in 1992 was up to 107346.

In 2002, the immigration to Australia was slow and the number of  European's  migrants
was declined to 17411. And the total of the migrants was 88876.

Comparing the migrants between 1992 and 2002, you find that the immigration in 1992 was higher than the immigration in 2002.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Task 3: ( Solar Taxi) I believe that the Solar-powered taxi was a good idea which invented by the engineer Louis Palmer. Because it was powered only by solar energy which means you can save the petrol and reduce the climate pollution,  also it is more environmentally-friendly technologies.
Task 2:( Kyoto Protocol)  In my opinion Kyoto protocol is a good model for other treaties. Because it was an international treaty and was signed by nearly all nations , also it was a good treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save the climate.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

 TASK 1. (Greener World). In my opinion,  recycling is very  important, because it helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. Also the recycling  reduces the need of raw materials. Recycling makes  the environmet cleaner place.
In addition, recycling different materials helps the environmet by reducing the use of natural resources. For example, recycling paper goods reduces the number of trees cut down each year.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Hello everyone

 My name is Kaldoun Khochaba, i came form Syria, i am happy to study At Granville TAFE
i'm studing the EFS course to improve my English